I had this scrap flannel and scrap terrycloth left over from the 'unpaper towel' Christmas gifts I made for my family this year. The pieces were oddly shaped and not one shape matched another.
Utilizing as much of the flannel I could, I cut the fabric and the terrycloth into a rectangle (or square, depending on how much fabric you have to work with). When you have your fabric and terrycloth the same size, lay them down right sides together.
Stitch around three sides, using a generous 1/4 inch seam. Leave one end open for turning. If you are a real stickler, you can clip the corners on the stitched ends to reduce the bulk and make your corners perfect. I didn't.
Turn the fabric right side out and fold down the open edge. It is best to fold down 1/2 inch here so when you topstitch over the opening, you will be sure to 'catch' the edges with your needle and thread.
Next, press all of the seams down with an iron using steam. This creates a nice flat working surface and sets your folded down edge for easy stitching.
Once pressed, topstitch around all four sides of the towel, making sure to seal the opening you left for turning earlier. Two photos of topstitching isn't really necessary but I was sorta proud that I managed to get two shots this close up that turned out pretty decently. Please ignore all the junk lying on the table in the second photo.
Here is the front of one of the completed towels.
And a shot showing you the terrycloth side as well.
And here they are, all done and ready to use at some point in the future. Not tonight, I have more sewing to do.
In regards to your paper bowl you made back in September, how did you roll your magazine paper and make it stay so nicely? It's such a great idea I'd like to try it out.